Winnie the Poohing

I am alone in Arizona watching The List on TV. Something they have mentioned has caught my attention. I’ve gone from feeling disgusted with myself to feeling justified.

I have just learned that the manner in which I have been retrieving my morning coffee is referred to as Winnie the Poohing. [Urban Dictionary: Winnie the Poohing – The act of walking around with a t-shirt and nothing else on, like Winnie the Pooh].

Yes, I know the Urban Dictionary and not The Journal of American Medicine has legitimized my malady. But I feel better knowing there are other Poohs out there. I have my reasons for being half-dressed, both literally and figuratively.

Figuratively, I have no home. We’re living in one of our rent houses but we don’t even own the dishes there so it’s a push to call it “home”. I’m homeless. Rudderless. Pantless.

Plus, September happened.

In our house-cum-home, massive plumbing issues were revealed requiring us to tear up the master bathroom. We took in my mom’s dog who had injured her back. My mom came to stay with us one Saturday because she was not feeling quite herself and by Sunday she was in the hospital–she suffered two strokes (all better now!). The following Saturday our son got married. The next week my mom’s dog got attacked by a neighbor’s dog, our money manager informed us we were the victims of identity theft and I received a jury summons in the mail.

That, my friends, is what we southerners call a good old-fashioned bitch-slapping.

So, yes, judge if you must but my post-September medicine is to Winnie the Pooh for a week at our house in Arizona. I have been here for four days and I’m starting to smell. The Husband and Jersey Dog are on their way by car which means I have exactly seven hours before they arrive and expect me to get dressed and get back to living.

Well, pooh.


  1. It was so nice too get to read you again and all I can think if is you in just a t-shirt. Um, not that it’s a bad thought. Well, I’m not, uh, not,mum it’s ah not a bad thought, I mean not not a bad bad thought, a … um …. ah … I hope your mom is all back to normal now.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Oh heck! Poor you. As they say, ‘it never rains, but pours! It sounds like you could do with a long holiday on a deserted island in paradise. I thought it strange we hadn’t heard from you in a while. Things can only get better now. Big hug. ❤

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  3. I so loved seeing your name pop up again in my WP reader. As for your September – it reminds me of my last June. In my case, the solution was getting on a plane. In your case, I think the answer is underwear.
    (Glad to hear your mom is okay!)
    Now go take a shower!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hubs arrived and I had to get dressed. I remember your June! We are stronger for it? Mom came to live with us for a few weeks but moved back to her home last week. She just turned 90! She knows she can come back to our “home” if needed. We might need to purchase some dishes though. Missed being in blogosphere with you. I’m guessing I have a lot of catching up to do.

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  4. It’s amazing how a jury summons can find people when they’re “homeless,” but banks can’t find a customer (me) to let me know my money is about to be sent to the State’s Unclaimed Funds Dept because of account inactivity….all the while having another account active at the same bank and my name being in the phone book. This happened to me several years ago, resulting in my having to pay a 10% fee to the State to get my own money back!

    Anyway, back to your jury summons: I would simply return it to the Court with a note saying your verdict is GUILTY to matter the case, charge, or evidence.This would not only teach the defendant a lesson regardless of whether he or she did ‘it,’ but would save you a lot of hassle (which, after all, is your Constitutional right not to be hassled).

    Hope this helps.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You=Genius. I actually went online and asked for a deferral and I had to pick a date so I picked April figuring I would get another summons then. Nope. They wrote back and said referral granted, report to jury duty on April 24, 2018. Ugh.

      And, yes, the unclaimed property thing is complete bunk. Of course they could find you. They just didn’t want to.

      Thanks for stopping by!


  5. I think we all deserve to be Pooh and sometimes I am glad I am single and do not wash every day in the winter nor change socks if my feet are still cold after work. Probably my sheets need washing, too. 😁
    Hope your Mom and her dog have improved since this was awhile ago. Just saw this link attached to a friend’s post. Smiles, Robin 🎈

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