Because Sisters in Paris

On Saturday The Husband spent half a day waiting on someone to come fix the toilet at The Sisters’ apartment (the one by Dorothy’s room, wink, wink). So he missed the afternoon fun (Read: Got a moment’s peace for Pete’s sake). 

We continue to check off The Sisters’ list of 20 Things to See or Do in Paris. To be fair, I haven’t seen said list but we must be getting close because we haven’t stopped moving in three days. 

Today we terrorized a brocante market (check). I bought shoes and Judy bought old vinyl albums and was completely in her zone.

Because we’re in Paris, Dorothy ordered eight escargot at lunch (check). We tapped, we tweezed, we turned over, but couldn’t get two of them out. So we named them Théo and Dartagnan and promised to stay in touch.

After lunch we raced up Montmartre to the Sacré Coeur then back at the bottom took the obligatory photo in front of the Moulin Rouge (check check).

We then went to Atélier des Lumières to see the Van Gogh show. Worth it.

Took a quick pass around Place des Vosges because the art there is spectacular (check).

We barely made it to see the Eiffel Tower twinkling (check) because Judy can’t get through the Metro turn-styles (like, ever) and we’ve broken all kinds of laws sneaking her through.

These are pics from our last day in Paris, check check check check check.

It rained because Paris. But no one complained because with the girls it’s always rainbows and unicorns. We finished the day with Mezzeh at Assanabel after which waddled home (because Mezzeh).  

I don’t know how many of their 20 we checked off the list. I do know we didn’t make it to Jim Morrison’s grave but I promised them he’d still be dead next trip. And I do hope there’s a next trip. Because sisters. 


  1. Looks like Judy got more than just vinyl!!! Kisses too 🤭
    Isn’t the hot chocolate at Angelina’s just the best!!!!
    You covered the entire city and got to see Van Gogh too! I have to wait till next month as it was sold out when I last looked! 🙃
    But your Van Gogh sky in Montmartre is amazing!!!
    Have fun 🤗🤗

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  2. Loved the light show reflections. Your man is going to need a super duper reward when this trip is over for having 4 sisters to “deal” with. My hub was great with just one or two sisters for a very short time, I can’t imagine three though and on vacation! The best thing is he really appreciated me afterward, but I’m sure it boils down to what you get used to.

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  3. I loved this vicarious tour. For next time: Not just Jim Morrison but all those other greats at Pere Lachaise, plus Musee d’Orsay because favorite museum in the world (well, one of them) and DEFINITELY the Catacombs. Somehow, because I so relish memories of when my daughters & I had Girl Week in Paris, I see the Sisters in the Catacombs.

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    1. Yes, we’ve done them all over the years going for a month at a time. This particular set of visitors happened to be my sisters who had never been to Paris and seemed intent on seeing everything the first trip in 4 days! Nearly killed me.


    1. Yes, you’re the only one who hasn’t been. When we plan our next trip I will let you know. You would’ve loved this trip. Good group dynamics.


  4. Again so great to be in Paris with your sisters. L’Atelier des lumières is doing Van Gogh now? I saw Klimt there last year. I hope it will still be on in July. (Tickets booked. Yes!!!)

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  5. You are making me feel really jealous now. Your photos are very original, especially the one with all of you in a line and the Van Gogh sky. I am reading a biography of Marie Antoinette and there are a few places I’d like to visit now. I think D H has ‘almost’ promised me to take me there next February half term! I am really holding my breath now! 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for appreciating the photos. Paris is a wonderful city and I know you will love it. Are you reading Abundance by chance? It is a novel about Marie Antoinette and historically accurate. I loved it. Nice to hear from you. If we are in Paris at the same time next year, I’d love to meet you face to face.


      1. I am reading Marie Antoinette, The Journey by Antonia Fraser and it is also very detailed and thoroughly researched: a true fascinating read and marvellous pictures too.
        I would also love to meet you sometime, in Paris or otherwise.

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  6. The false hand reminded me of when I went house-hunting in Brittany with my mum and this elderly French couple tried to sell us a house with a free false leg thrown in. And then gave us a parting gift of home-grown leeks. which stank the hire care out for the rest of the visit. Mais naturellement….

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      1. Touch it by mistake – not realising what it was -and then do a massive, shuddery double take and a little scream, and then mum and I had to stifle hysterical laughter until we could get outta there!

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  7. By the way, I would not fault sister Judy for her inability to get through Metro turnstyles. We bought 3 day visite tickets. Mine stopped working on the second day (turnstile jams), always in unstaffed stops, and we unexpectedly learned a trick to get in (once in front of policemen who said nothing). On the third day, a metro staffer “fixed” the ticket (but it wasn’t fixed). Finally we got a staffer to replace the old ticket with a new ticket and the problem was solved. Just sayin’ (I’m with Judy).

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